Pension Pots

Do you have several pension pots waiting for the day you can retire? As people tend to move jobs more frequently now, you will probably end up with several pensions that you are no longer contributing to…

Give yourself a minute to look at 8 reasons why you might need to review your pensions plans.

1. Are they still good value for money, are the charges high? Older pensions can be more expensive than plans available now.

2. Do you have an Expression of Wishes in place on old pensions? These ensure that in the event of an early death, your Pension Fund would be paid to your loved ones.

3. Have you lost touch with some of my old pensions? You may have moved house and not updated the records with your pension provider.

4. Are your underlying investment performing as expected?

5. Am you taking too much or even too little risk on my investments?

6. Would it be beneficial to have all your pensions in one place?

7. Will you be able to build up sufficient funds for the retirement you have dreamt of?

8. Do you actually know how much you have already saved towards retirement?

Get in touch

If any of these ring true, and you think you might need assistance from an Independent Financial Adviser then please contact us on 01904 623888 or contact us. We’d be happy to help you get more from your pension pots.

The levels and bases of taxation, and reliefs from taxation, can change at anytime and are generally dependent on individual circumstances.

Trusts and Taxation are not regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority.

Information contained in this Guide does not constitute advice and decisions should not be made based solely on this information.

Fund values may fluctuate and can go down.

A pension is a long-term investment. Your eventual income may depend on the size of fund when accessed, interest rates and legislation.

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